
[読] Mukherjee et.al. (2012): Why are basic color names “basic”?

Mukherjee, Animesh, Vittorio Loreto, and Francesca Tria. 2012. ‘Why are basic color names “basic”?’ Advances in Complex Systems 15 (03n04): 115001 (13 pages).

{2014-04-24: 院ゼミ}


’Basic Color Terms’の研究 (Berlin & Kay 1969)において明らかにされた色彩語彙に見られる「basicness」の階層を統計的に再検証し、「basicness」を統計的に性格づけることができるか探る。

言語学における’Basic Color Terms’の研究では、「basicness」を語彙の内部構造、意味範囲、使用範囲など主として言語構造上の基準によって性格づけていた。この研究では、「basicness」により実証的な性格付けを試みる。



・筆者たちはどうも言語や言語学に関する理解が不十分であるように思われる。どうやらこの論文で行おうとしているのは、’Basic Color Terms’の研究ではなく、「basicness」という概念を統計的に分析すると言うことだけに関心があるように見受けられる。

・この研究のベースになっているWorld Color Surveyの調査はこの研究で行っているような統計的分析を想定して行われているわけではないと思われる。そうすると、そもそも統計的分析を適用する意味があるのか、それが適切なのかも注意深く確認し、論証する必要がある。



[読] Hay & Baayan: Shifting Paradigms

Hay, Jennifer B and R Harald Baayen. 2005. Shifting paradigms: Gradient structure in morphology. Trends Cogn Sci 9 (7): 342-348





[読] Bock et. al. (2007) Persistent structural priming from language comprehension to language production

Bock, Kathryn, Gary S. Dell, Franklin Chang, and Kristine H. Onishi. 2007.  
“Persistent structural priming from language comprehension to language production.”
Cognition 104: 437-458.

[2014.2.10 院ゼミで議論]






[読] 言葉と脳と心:失語症とは何か

山鳥 重「言葉と脳と心:失語症とは何か」






[読] Fortescue (2007) The typological position and theoretical status of polysynthesis

Fortescue, Michael. 2007. The typological position and theoretical status of polysynthesis. Tidsskrift for Sprogforskning 5 (1): 1-27

[read: 2014-01-18]



Goal of the paper (p. 2)

In search of a better way to characterize features that are common to languages displaying the overlapping cluster of polysynthesis.

Subtypes of polysynthetic morphology (p. 2)

a) Pure incorporating type: Chukchi
b) Field-affixing (Lexical affixing) type: Nuuchahnulth (Nootka)
c) Recursive suffixing type: Eskimo

* Recursive suffixing type “is not generally regarded as instantiating canonical incorporation since words in such languages, however long, may as a rule only contain one lexical morpheme”

Trait cluster that create the appearance of a distinct polysynthetic type (p. 2)

(a) Noun/adjective incorporation.
(b) A large inventory of bound morphemes (but restricted number of stems).
(c) The verb a minimal clause.
(d) Pronominal markers on verbs (subject/object) and nouns (possessor).
(e) Adverbial elements integrated into verbs.
(f) Numerous morphological ‘slots’.
(g) Productive morphophonemics and resultant complex allomorphy of bound and free morphemes.
(h) Non-configurational syntax.
(i) Head-marking (or double marking) type of inflection. “


Baker’s definition ‘real’ incorporation (p. 17)

“according to his definition ‘real’ incorporation is syntactic and solely concerns the incorporation of direct object nouns into their verbal heads (Baker 1996: 295)”


Features that suggest newer development of polysynthesis (p. 21)

(a) Lexical sources of derivational affixes transparent.
(b) Residual stress on incorporated or serialized stems.
(c) Strict adhesion to Bybee’s morpheme-ordering generalizations (derivation affixes closer to stem than inflection).
(d) Productivity of incorporation or morphological verb serialization.”

Features that suggest older polysynthesis (p. 21)

(a) Few if any lexical sources of derivational affixes to be found.
(b) No independent stress (or other individualizing prosodic marking) on incorporated morphemes.
(c) Entangled ordering of derivational and inflectional morphemes.
(d) Evidence of successive historical layering of affixes, with fossilization. 

Key characteristic of polysynthetic languages (p. 21)

“polysynthetic languages are different from other languages in the degree to which their predicate-formation rules may extend into and interact with the layered structure of the clause as a whole”


Common motivation for highly synthetic structure (p. 22)

“elaborate derivational potential of their verbal morphology. Derivational processes in these languages may apply not only to word stems but to whole phrases treated as stems despite any external manifestations of their own syntactic dependencies. Inflected verbs are minimal sentences in these languages, thus it is no surprise that the watertight distinction between the syntactic domains of words and sentences is blurred in them. “

[読] Arunachalam (2013), Experimental methods for linguists

Arunachalam, Sudha. 2013. Experimental methods for linguists. Language and Linguistics Compass 7 (4): 221-232.



“The goal is to provide readers with some tools for understanding and evaluating the rapidly growing literature using experimental methods, as well as for beginning to design experiments in their own research.”




[院ゼミで議論: 2013-07-03]


[読] Wisniewski & Wu 2012: Challenges to a Compositional Understanding of Noun-noun Combinations

Wisniewski, Edward J., and Jing Wu. 2012.
“Emergency!!!! Challenges to a Compositional Understanding of Noun-noun Combinations.”
Oxford Handbook of Compositionality. Ed. Wolfram Hinzen, Edouard Machery, and Markus Werning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.





複合的表現では構成要素の意味には含まれない意味が生じるという指摘には同意できる。そうした意味を「emergent features」と呼んでいるが、ここでの「emergent」という用語の使い方は、多数の要素が複雑に相互影響を与え合う中で高次のパターンが生まれてくるemergence現象についての性質とは質的に異なるように思われる。



[2013-05-29: 院ゼミで議論]